ASEFMA y ZAS anuncian las catorce comunicaciones seleccionadas para el II Congreso Internacional ICA 4.0
La Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Mezclas Asfálticas (ASEFMA) y su homóloga eslovena ZAS, como entidades organizadoras, hacen públicos los trabajos aceptados para integrar el programa técnico del segundo congreso internacional sobre asfalto 4.0 (ICA 4.0, por sus siglas en inglés).
El comité técnico de ICA 4.0, formado por miembros de ASEFMA y de ZAS, hace públicas las catorce comunicaciones que entrarán en el programa del congreso internacional sobre asfalto 4.0, que se celebrará en el espacio Meeting Place situado en la calle Orense de Madrid y podrá seguirse en directo vía streaming HD y en VR/2D desde la aplicación PDV by itafec. Este evento, que también cuenta con el apoyo de EAPA y el patrocinio de CIRTEC, Q-Point, Dynapac, Xouba y Nira Dynamics, se celebrará los días 26 y 27 de septiembre de 2022.
Las catorce comunicaciones seleccionadas, todas ellas de gran calidad técnica e interés para el sector y que serán publicados en las actas finales del congreso, proceden de cinco países europeos: España (8), Eslovenia (2), Alemania (2), Francia (1) y Austria (1). Sus autores dispondrán de 15 minutos para exponer sus trabajos en inglés, lengua oficial del evento, durante el congreso internacional ICA 4.0.
Los trabajos, que estarán disponibles en la app PDV by itafec para aquellas personas que se hayan inscrito en la modalidad presencial o virtual, son los siguientes:
1. Cadena integrada de valor digital como contribución a la construcción de carreteras sostenibles
Título original: Integrated digital value chain as a contribution to sustainable road construction
Autor: Thomas Leopoldseder (Q-Point)
Digitization solutions help to design and manage the process optimally, from the procurement of raw materials to transport and production to installation, and with the lowest possible use of resources. They are also able to distribute information and automatically measure quality criteria in order to inform employees on the construction site which activities are necessary to obtain a high-quality and therefore long-lasting asphalt pavement.
Every hour that is saved to lay the asphalt pavement, every truck that does not have to drive due to optimized use, every batch that is less necessary at the mixing plant and every day that an asphalt pavement lasts longer reduces the burden on the environment, has a positive effect on the sustainability of road construction and saves costs for all companies involved.
In practice, however, a digital value chain only works if all those involved in the process work together and achieve corresponding advantages for their sub-process. The integrated digital value chain ensures that not only a continuous data flow is established, but also that all relevant information for the optimal execution of a sub- process is available, changes can be reacted to quickly and errors are largely excluded.
This paper shows, how a digital value chain between the construction site and the mixing plant can be used for an efficient asphalt paving process and optimal and resource-saving production.
2.Inteligencia artificial aplicada a la seguridad en equipos móviles de trabajo (Proyecto SAFETYPAV)
Título original: Artificial intelligence applied to safety in mobile work equipment (SAFETYPAV PROJECT)
Autores: José Ramón López (Pavasal), José Ramón Albert (Pavasal), Sara Rabadán (Pavasal), Iñaki Maurtua (fundación Tekniker) y Aitor Gutiérrez (Fundación Tekniker)
Construction sector, along with agriculture and industry, is one of the sectors that historically leads the incidence rate of occupational accidents in Spain.
Within the field of paving asphalt mixes, attempts to improve safety through devices integrated into the machinery, capable of generating alerts and even stopping it, have not been very fruitful to date. Most of these devices are based on proximity sensors of different kinds that have not been effective in an environment where the casuistry is tremendously variable, with reduced spaces and the presence of obstacles and construction personnel. These systems produce an excess of warnings that saturate the machinery driver or operators, constantly stopping the machinery and interrupting production.
Addressing this problem from a new approach, Pavasal company, in collaboration with the Tekniker, are developing a research project with funding from the Ministry of Science and Innovation (Red. es) in which, through a advance environment perception system using Artificial Intelligence (AI), based on the information provided by a set of RGB-D cameras located around the machinery, aims to discriminate when there is a real danger of an accident and when, despite the fact that there is a high proximity between the personnel and machinery, the situation is not imminently dangerous.
This advance environment perception system must be able to discriminate and identify the presence of a human or other obstacles and its relative movement with respect to the machinery (speed and direction) and evaluate if it is in a possible interception trajectory. The system will generate an alert or act only in those cases in which the distance necessary for braking and stopping the machinery could make an accident possible, thus avoiding unnecessary interruptions or overloading of warnings.
3.Sistemas de seguridad activa para la seguridad en zonas de trabajo
Título original: Active Safety Systems for Work Zone Safety
Autor: José Manuel Cámara (Aplicaziones)
The asphalt industry has been very concerned about the problem of accidents in road works. The fact of using heavy machinery makes these jobs high risk.
A detailed analysis leads to highlight, above all, the following causes with a very serious accident rate:
- Movements of the machinery, rotation or reversing, preventing the driver from detecting workers around and at the rear of the machinery.
- Hiring temporary personnel with little experience in this type of works, which makes them largely unaware of the associated risks.
- Worker’s negligence after multiple work hours
To address these challenges, we propose with this paper, the use of a new Active Safety system that facilitates the asphalting works coordination to avoid accidents between heavy machinery operators and manual activities of workers on the field.
From the worker’s point of view, our system behaves like a new personal protective equipment (PPE) that automatically warns of dangerous proximity between machinery and workers.
4.Cómo ahorrar energía, CO2 y costes con tecnología de transporte moderna para la construcción e instalación de asfalto
Título original: How to save energy, CO2 and costs with modern transport technology in asphalt construction and installation
Autores: Martin Fliegl (Fliegl) y Michaela Hess (Fliegl)
Using modern (transport) technology to avoid premature road damage already during the asphalt installation process – Protecting the environment through lower CO2 emissions and saving the resources through lower power consumption.
This paper is about the problems associated with asphalt paving and an approach that enhances paving quality, protects the environment and resources.
Usually, three major problems occur in asphalt paving. These include mechanical, thermal and binder segregation. The push-off technology provides a solution to meet the requirements in asphalt paving. If the asphalt is pushed off, instead of dumped, there is a continuous mixing of the grain structure and temperature during the entire unloading process. The asphalt is unloaded “bit by bit” into the paver due to the push-off mechanism. Thus, both, cool and hot asphalt and coarser and finer grain sizes are evenly paved.
5. Hacia una arquitectura de gemelos digitales para el proceso de producción de mezclas asfálticas en caliente
Título original: Towards a Digital Twin architecture for the Hot-Mixed-Asphalt production process
Autores: Jorge Salas (Padecasa) y Javier Loma (Padecasa)
To address the scarcity of digital twin (DT)-based solutions in the asphalt pavement sector, Padecasa is developing a digital solution for improving the efficiency of the hot mix asphalt (HMA) production process of its plants. This DT will be used as an adaptive planning support system capable of optimizing plant operation, as well as site demand and transportation scheduling. As a part of this solution, a preliminary version of the virtual model representing the physical system had to be obtained, which posed several modeling challenges arising from the nature of the system’s scope.
To overcome these issues, a Twin model architecture integrating several modeling techniques is proposed. In this architecture, agent-based simulation (ABS) is used to provide an intuitive and scalable structure to the simulation model, and include the communication system in which the interaction between agents occurs. As to the physical production processes, they have been modeled by means of discrete event simulation (DES), while system dynamics (SD) is used to represent the continuous variables. Finally, data-based models (DBM) have been used in these cases in which building knowledge-based models entailed great difficulty.
In this communication, the overall architecture of the proposed HMA production Twin model is presented, as well as examples of how the integration of the abovementioned modeling approaches allowed the overcoming of the problems identified. As a result, the proposed Twin model is capable of simulating the production process of a whole journey based on the information contained in the working orders, and the environmental variables.
6. Índices de inspección visual obtenidos mediante monitoreo de visión por computador
Título original: Visual Inspection indexes obtained by Computer Vision monitoring
Autores: Adrián Rey (Asimob), Ibon Arechalde (Asimob) y Beñat López (Asimob)
Visual road inspections have been applied during decades in order to ensure that the status of the pavement is good enough to be used by the vehicles, the Road Safety conditions are enough to avoid risks, and also to evaluate the investment needs for the road.
These types of inspections had to be carried out by pavement experts, who had to be able to differentiate each type of irregularity detected, to analyse the causes and evaluate de evolution of said degradations, and what were the necessary means for their repair.
Although theoretically any road in any country could be evaluated by unique criteria, the reality is that multiple road evaluation systems have been developed, using very different ratios. Among these systems, it is worth highlighting the American Pavement Condition Index [1] (PCI), defined in the standard ASTM D6433, due to its wide use in areas of American influence. The PCI considers 19 types of irregularities to obtain a rate from 0 to 100, from worst to best condition.
In Europe, each country has developed its own indices, with very diverse examples. In Spain there are different methods applied depending on if it is to be applied in a concessioned road (where each contract establishes the quality criteria for the evaluation), if it is to evaluate other type of main road, or if the analysis is for roads for low traffic intensity, where simplified methodology is suggested. In Belgium, on the other hand, the Center de Recherches Routières (CRR) developed the MF-89 method, that can be used on any type of road. This method explains the evaluation of the irregularities over three different type of pavements (Asphalt Concrete surface, Cement Concrete surface and Modular coverings) and uses weighting techniques to consider the relevance of each type of irregularity.
As explained in this MF 89 method, its correct application requires the compliance of the following points:
- development of a global database resulting from a preliminary survey operation
- evaluation of degradations to be encoded and their respective weight
- strict application of the encoding rules
- application of rules for calculating the visual index (VI) and the global index (GI)
- evaluation with the four classes and their respective thresholds in which the overall index falls
- best compliance with the “ten golden rules” for the pavement inspection.
Until now, the training of the human inspectors was key to ensure repeatability and reproducibility of the evaluations and to comply with the “ten golden rules”, when applying the method. Curiously, by using Computer Vision techniques, an automated evaluation of the condition of the road surface can be achieved, drastically limiting the safety risks for humans during the inspection on the road, and undoubtedly improving the repeatability and reproducibility of the evaluations.
The Computer Vision techniques enable the detection of all the irregularities that are visible from a camera, their classification according to the parameters established by each procedure and the analysis of the length and width of each defect and its position in the lane.
The post-processing of all these measurements allows the application of the weighting formulas for each road evaluation system, and the analysis of results, obtaining heat maps that allow knowing the needs of road rehabilitation and facilitate decision-making.
The current paper and the associated presentation explain how Computer Vision techniques have been applied to detect the irregularities in the pavement and how the method MF-89 has been used to obtain the Global Index for the evaluation of the roads in Belgium. The paper explains also which are the degradations that can be detected by Computer Vision, which not, and how to consider the impact of the irregularities that cannot be detected.
Finally, the paper explains how to extend the use of the Computer Vision solutions to the visual inspections of roads in other countries.
7. Mezclas asfálticas duraderas: Rehabilitación de carreteras y vías de bajo tránsito con condiciones meteorológicas adversas de bajas temperaturas y/o lluvia y en largas distancias
Título original: Lasting asphalt mixtures: «Rehabilitation of roads and roadways with low traffic in cold and/or rainy weather and long distances
Autores: Mariano Terceño (Diputación de Ávila), Miguel Leralta (Diputación de Ávila), Sabas Corraliza (Ecoasfalt), Manuel Salas (Cemosa), Jorge Coelho (Único Green), Leonardo Coelho (Único Green), Miguel Angel Sanz (CIRTEC), Gerardo Botasso (UTN-FRLP) y Rebeca de la Cruz (Elsamex).
When looking at investments in road infrastructure in Spain, it is convenient to highlight the following three central aspects:
- The use of bituminous mixtures occupies a large part of the volume of materials to be used both in the new construction and in the rehabilitation works, and they take around 30% of the investment of the pavement structure, being one of the largest expenses of the Ministry.
- Maintenance processes contemplate, in a large number of cases, proceeding to milling or recycling the existing upper layer of bituminous mix.
- The production processes of hot bituminous mixes demand high energy consumption and consequently the generation of greenhouse gases, among which the tons of C02 emitted in said process are used as the most representative indicator.
The current technologies of hot agglomerates and cold mixes with emulsion have many limitations in terms of execution distances, application climatology and work times that sometimes make it impossible to carry out certain works, in addition to the limitation or problems of efficiency, as manufacturing facilities need large amounts of agglomerate to be efficient.
What is hot mix bituminous? Hot bituminous mix is defined as “ the combination of a hydrocarbon binder, aggregates… Its manufacturing process involves heating the binder and the aggregates and its installation must be carried out at a temperature much higher than ambient”
As we can see, the definition already marks one of the fundamental limitations of the bituminous mix, which is the need to be used before the binder hardens and loses its ability to stick the aggregate and compact.
The limitations have been overcome, stressing the system to overcome its limits, exceeding its technical and regulatory limits of use, exceeding manufacturing temperatures to lengthen distances and times, and manufacturing specific days, which causes a greater environmental impact, deterioration of bitumens and an extra cost.
There are cold techniques, but the latter also have many limitations, both performance and not being able to be used in humid or cold climates.
In this way, there is a use barrier in the asphalt mix that until today has been difficult to break.
In addition to this, in current times it is necessary to move towards the incorporation in the construction of bituminous mixtures in the amounts demanded, considering the design of the same with high rates of recycled or milled bituminous mixture available in the maintenance strategy, adding techniques with ecological additives that allow the production temperature of bituminous mixtures to be reduced, the compaction temperatures and thus reduce the global energy consumption measured in Mega Joules, as well as CO2 emissions measured in tons of CO2 equivalent.
Also, in order to generate a bituminous mixture that is more resistant to permanent plastic deformations, fatigue and aging, it is considered opportune to add dust from end-of-life tires (NFVU), counting on the technologies of pre-digested tire dust, the which greatly facilitate the direct modification of the bituminous mixture.
The following communication informs of the execution of works where these conditions are met:
- Site of the work very distant from the manufacturing plants.
- Prevailing winter weather.
- Low volume of action.
In this communication, an ecological construction system has been proposed that also aims to break current barriers using the following technological innovations:
- Technology used: LASTING ASPHALT, name that we intend to establish as a new system in the market.
- Manufacturing process: WARM WITH ECOLOGICAL ADDITIVE
- Recycling technology: RAP ADDITION
- Durability and mechanical resistance: NFVU POWDER by means of a predigested rubber additive and additives
With these innovations these current barriers will be overcome:
- Storage capacity of the bituminous mixture.
- Extended and cold compacted in subsequent days, even in extreme cold environmental conditions.
The communication reveals a completely pioneering and innovative technology in Spain that not only provides an answer to roads and driveways where the use of conventional asphalt mixes is impossible, but is also a totally ecological technology, since it integrates:
To evaluate this technology, we have had the support of administrations and clients who have allowed its execution, more specifically the most excellent Avila Provincial Council .
In the communication the action carried out in the province of Avila and others will be presented, together with some tests carried out in which the individual capacity of some of the techniques and the joint capacity of all of them will be seen.
8. Investigación y desarrollo de un sistema integral de seguimiento, diagnóstico y predicción del estado de la vía mediante el modelo de gemelo digital
Título original: Research and development of an integral system for monitoring, diagnosis and prediction of road state using the digital twin model
Autores: Francisco Vea (Grupo Simetría), Pablo Álvarez (Becsa), Nacho Torres (Grupo Simetría) y Aida Marzá (Becsa).
The road infrastructure is one of the most important and valuable assets of any country, not being Spain an exception, since the equity value of road infrastructure rounds 185,000 million euros, of which 70,000 million euros belong to the Network of State Highways (NSH), while 115,000 million euros correspond to the regional and provincial network according to data from the Spanish Road Association. Although an annual investment of around 2% of its equity value is recommended for its correct maintenance, the negative effect of the economic crisis suffered by the country produced a decrease in the resources allocated to maintenance of up to 30% since the year 2009. The Spanish Highway Association (AEC) is already warning of investment needs in this sector that can be multiplied if the maintenance strategy does not change and the problem is not addressed on time. In fact, at present, a total of 6,574 million euros are needed to replace and reinforce all the Spanish roads. These figures reflect that 72% of the network has cracks, while 38% show cracks, disintegrations, deformations and potholes, being these defects the main risks of traffic accidents. If these interventions are not carried out, it is estimated that a large part of the network will need to be rebuilt.
Predictive maintenance of roads can currently be carried out using multifunction vehicles with a multitude of high-tech equipment (laser systems for the detection of deterioration, profilometers or georadar) capable of detecting deteriorations of the pavement, as well as the geometry of the road and its comfort parameters. However, due to the cost of the devices used and the need to travel through each of the lanes of the highway platform (the same itinerary must be replicated as many times as lanes are), the cost of the service maintenance is high. That is why the most inspections are carried out manually through the analysis of video images, with the high cost of time and money it entails.
In response to the current situation, BECSA, in collaboration with the UPV’s Multidisciplinary Mathematics University Institute (MMUI), has developed a comprehensive system that allows monitoring, diagnosis and prediction of the condition of roads in real time based on the generation of the Twin Model of the road that allows 2nd International Conference on Asphalt 4.0 2 a predictive maintenance strategy focused on acting on certain elements at the right time, thus preventing them from reaching advanced stages of deterioration.
9. La influencia transformadora de la digitalización en el laboratorio y actividades de control de calidad en el sector del asfalto
Título original: The transformative influence of digitalization on laboratory and quality control activities in the asphalt industry
Autor: Ersun Görener (Infratest)
In the realm of the asphalt industry, laboratory work plays a pivotal role in ensuring the quality and performance of the materials used in road construction. Traditionally, this laboratory work has been divided into three main parts: mix design, production control, and field control after paving. However, a critical examination of current practices reveals that the industry, in many aspects, still operates with methods that can be best described as «Stone Age».
This archaic approach has led to an ineffective workflow, which was once tolerable due to the simplicity of the tasks and the elementary nature of laboratory equipment. However, the landscape of the asphalt industry has evolved significantly over the years. Today, we find ourselves working with complex equipment, intricate testing methods, and a growing need for the exchange of information among various stakeholders. To meet these evolving challenges, intelligent digitalization emerges as the key to unlocking unprecedented efficiencies and advancements.
10. Proyecto CAPRI H2020. Soluciones cognitivas en la industria de procesos: caso de uso del asfalto
Título original: H2020 CAPRI project. Cognitive Solutions in Process Industry: Asphalt Use Case
Autores: Rafael Martínez (Eiffage Infraestructuras), Cristina Vega (CARTIF) y Julio Illade (AIMEN).
The CAPRI project is a H2020 project that develops Cognitive Solutions (CS) to the Process Industry and a Cognitive Automation Platform (CAP) towards the Digital Transformation of process industries. CAPRI enables cognitive tools to provide to the existing process industries flexibility of operation, improving the performance and quality assurance of its products and flows. CAPRI’s consortium is composed by 12 partners across 7 European countries: a strong, experienced, and interdisciplinary cluster of research institutes and organizations, SMEs and process industry companies that are working together to achieve the objectives of the project.
CAPRI’s project is demonstrating its applicability in three key process industries: asphalt mix production, pharmaceutical tablets, and steel billets & bars. This project foresees the development and testing of different cognitive solutions at each automation level, entailing sensors, control, operation to planning.
This article carries out a general description of the asphalt use case, followed by a more detailed analysis of its technologies and related developments.
11. Optimización del seguimiento y mantenimiento de pavimentos mediante inteligencia artificial (ROADCARE)
Título original: Optimize pavement monitoring and maintenance using artificial intelligence (ROADCARE)
Autores: Nuria Uguet (Eurovia) y Antonin Mancel (Roadcare).
Efficient management of road assets involves prioritising and planning the maintenance operations to be carried out. This technical and financial management must be supported by feedback from the field on the condition of roadways.
Even today, for secondary road network, these field reports are essentially based on visual inspections, with the subjectivity and difficulty of reproducibility that this implies. While conventional inspection methods are regularly used to characterise the main road network, they are rarely used on «ancillary»; pavements – not least because of their cost.
Consequently, large-scale, objective characterisation adapted to the «ancillary»; network is a difficulty faced by many private and public managers. Significant progress has been made in recent years in research into the automatic detection of defects on pavement images, thanks in particular to AI with a deep learning approach (Maeda et al, Ottoni et al, Bharat et al, FUJII et al), and new inspection solutions using on-board cameras and Artificial Intelligence are flourishing on the market.
While these innovative solutions offer a new opportunity for asset managers, their adoption raises several questions, including:
- How can the multitude of data produced by AI be synthesised in a way that is relevant from a business point of view?
- How can we ensure continuity with existing indicators?
- Is it possible to guarantee the interoperability of the output data with the software solutions already deployed by managers (GIS, RIS, etc.)?
Based on its experience of different types of asset, from motorway rest areas to pavements and secondary roads, Roadcare presents a global methodology for processing data derived from Artificial Intelligence applied to the field of road diagnostics.
12. OMICRON. Plataforma inteligente para gestión de carreteras
Título original: OMICRON. Road management platform
Autores: José Solís (Cemosa), José Ramón López (Pavasal), Rafael Martínez (Eiffage Infraestructuras) y Ander Ansuategi (Tekniker).
OMICRON’s objective is the development of an Intelligent Road Management Platform based on a portfolio of innovative technologies to improve the construction, maintenance, renewal, and rehabilitation of the European road network. The project covers the entire asset management chain, focusing on four pillars: modular bridge construction, digitisation of inspection, predictive maintenance, and automated execution of maintenance activities.
This article first carries out a general description of the project, followed by a more detailed analysis of three technologies, including: the Modular Robotic Platform, a support system in the paving process (SASPI) and related developments. a Digital Twin and Decision Support System in road maintenance planning.
OMICRON’s Intelligent Platform will make it possible to digitise and automate a large number of road management tasks that are still labour-intensive. In this way, OMICRON intends to pave the way towards the roads of the future, promoting Industry 4.0 and sustainability.
- Pavasal works on the development of the robotic system (modular robotic platform) applied to sealing cracks and erasing, cleaning and placing signage.
- Eiffage is developing a real-time decision support system to enhance the paving process. This system utilizes data from various sensors and analysis of AUTL semi-hot and recycled mixes.
- Tekniker works jointly with EIFFAGE and PAVASAL as the primary technological partner, leading the tasks for implementing robotic technology and artificial intelligence systems necessary for developing the foreseen use cases.
- Cemosa focuses on the development of both the Digital Twin and Decision Support Tool for highways, consolidating all project advancements. Furthermore, Cemosa assumes the role of coordinator for the OMICRON project.
16 partners from 7 European countries participate in this project, with demonstrators aiming to reach TRL (Technology Readiness Level) 7, tested in pilots in Portugal, Spain and Italy.
13. Consumo de energía en las plantas de producción de asfalto en Eslovenia. Reducción de emisiones y costes.
Título original: Energy consumption at asphalt plants in Slovenia. Reduction of emissions and costs.
Autor: Nika Matul (ZAS / Sloman)
This article focuses on the topic of energy consumption, emissions reduction, and cost optimization at asphalt plants in Slovenia. It was discussed within the context of the Asphalt 4.0 expert committee of the Slovenian Asphalt Pavement Association.
Given the current instability in energy prices and the need to fulfil environmental policy objectives, the issue of energy consumption and emissions reduction at asphalt plants is crucial. Data was collected on annual energy consumption and asphalt mixture production from five different plants in Slovenia, with production volumes ranging from 50,000 to 200,000 tons of asphalt.
The analysis revealed that the average energy consumption for asphalt mixture production ranges between 60 and 100 kWh/t. Furthermore, there is a significant variation of 40 per cent in average energy consumption between the most and least efficient plants. The Asphalt 4.0 expert committee concluded that there are ample opportunities for energy optimization and emissions reduction in Slovenian asphalt plants.
The presentation highlights the availability of new concepts and green measures in the asphalt industry that can effectively reduce energy consumption, and CO2 emissions, and promote circular economy practices. The implementation of these concepts and technologies, supported by international tools and knowledge, will enhance productivity while minimizing the carbon footprint. Ultimately, these efforts will contribute to the construction of more durable, safer, and environmentally friendly asphalt surfaces.
This presentation emphasizes the importance of adopting innovative approaches in the asphalt industry to achieve sustainable and efficient practices by addressing energy consumption, emissions reduction, and cost optimization.
14. Calidad de los datos obtenidos por iPAVe durante mediciones integrales del estado de la infraestructura vial
Título original: Data quality obtained by the iPAVe during comprehensive measurements of road infrastructure conditions
Autores: Bjarne Schmidt (ARRB Systems AB) y Slovenko Henigman (ZAS / Sloman)
The presentation by Principal Engineer Bjarne Schmidt from ARRB Systems AB, Sweden, President ZAS and Director at Sloman Slovenko Henigman, Slovenia, and Aljoša Luis from NovaGteh, Slovenia focuses on the data quality obtained by the iPAVe (Intelligent Pavement Evaluation System) during comprehensive measurements of road infrastructure conditions.
Accurately identifying and prioritizing road sections requiring maintenance, rehabilitation, or reconstruction is crucial for maintaining a sustainable and safe road network. Comprehensive measurements performed on road networks serve as a robust platform for achieving this objective.
The iPAVe system was initially introduced at the Conference Asphalt Pavements in 2021, and subsequent measurements were conducted in Slovenia in 2022. This presentation will showcase the quality of data derived from iPAVe measurements, utilizing an example from a test section in Slovenia that adheres to Slovenian standards.
Furthermore, the presentation will demonstrate how the iPAVe system can be employed to investigate the impact of seasonal variations on road infrastructure conditions. Through these examples, the audience will gain insights into the effectiveness and potential applications of the iPAVe system in optimizing road maintenance strategies and ensuring the longevity of road infrastructure.